A picture of many colors proclaims images of many thoughts.
~ Donna A. Favors
What are SoulCards and how do they work?
SoulCards were created by Deborah Koff-Chapin through her process called 'touch drawing' - by which she uses her fingertips to create pictures that seem to speak to our souls. She has developed these images into 30- card decks.
Pictures and images store the most powerful and evocative aspects of our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Different people can look at the same image and perceive entirely different meanings in it. Even the same person can look at an image at two different times and perceive difference meanings. Images allow us to tap into previously unrealized and unexpressed feelings and thoughts.
How do we use them in a session?
First, we would discuss what it is that has been troubling you, and what you would like to make better in your life at this time.
Then we focus on relaxation, allowing you to enter into a light trance state. Next, you would pull three cards, without looking at the faces.
One card represents the Past, one the Present and one the Future. You will open your eyes to turn over and look at the Past card. Although your eyes will be open, your brain will stay in the relaxed, light hypnotic state.
I'll ask you questions about what you see in the card, and write your answers down for you.
Then we will repeat the process for the Present and Future cards.
I never cease to be amazed at how perfectly each card describes what is going on in that client's life, and how gently and naturally, the progression from the Past through the Present and Future cards guides the person from difficulty to resolution.
Your session is completed by bringing you back to a fully awake state of mind, and discussing the meaning of the three cards you chose and explored. You will write down your key insights to take home with you.