Labels, Categories & Judgments
When does labeling and categorizing become judging? I believe that it is when there is a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ attached to it. Grandma would follow up the ‘category’ questions with comments on the person’s appearance or what she perceived their personal character flaws might be.
Patience is Power
As a recovering ‘Type A’ person, it’s a day to day practice to be patient. One of my personal bests is a seemingly small one – a few years ago, I decided that when I am driving, I will come to a full stop at every stop sign. That’s when I completely stop (not slow down to a near stop – which I once heard referred to as a ‘Hollywood Stop’) so that I feel myself move back and up in the seat a bit. This simple exercise has several benefits:
True Simplicity
Simplicity – it’s a word that has come into use a lot in the past years. As our lives have gotten busier and more full, a part of us yearns to return to a simpler, less cluttered way of being.
Should we live in the present moment or set goals and anticipate the future?
When we anticipate, we are imagining what that future event will be like and what we are likely to experience when it happens. So we might feel uplifted, excited or hopeful (like the doggie in the picture above, which probably is anticipating the return of its owner) or anxious (such as anticipating final exams).
Be a Lover of Silence
Becoming a lover of silence brings us wonderful gifts. One of those gifts is that, as Rumi says, when we are silent we can hear more.
Chakra Balancing – the Untold Secret
Chakra balancing (also called chakra cleansing or chakra clearing) was once known by only a few students of spiritual mysteries. Then it was practiced by holistic healers in wellness centers.